
About us

And now, our team:

The head of ASU "Glasses": Volodin Vladislav

Specialty: Head of the Association, Artist, Researcher, programmer, etc.
About him: A person who has many interests, he worked in different areas, typed by experience. Now he decided to establish his association, which would be able to bring to our world something new.
Quote: "Would you of something interesting? I'll try to give it to you!"

The second head of ASU "Glasses": Valera Bahov

Speciality: Science researcher, Physicist, Photographer
About him: The person who is in perpetual positive. Always busy, but still pays attention to our humble organization. He is the second founder
Quote: "New ideas improve World!"

 Mad programmer: CtrlAltDel

Speciality: "Programmer" and that says it all
About him: Taciturn and workaholic. Lives in a world matrix and binary code
Quote: "Keep your hands away from my code!"`

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